When you’re on the journey to being happier in your life, it is so important to learn to process your emotions. Choosing happiness doesn’t mean that you will never feel negative emotions – they are a part of life! However, learning how to process your feeling and find healthy coping mechanisms when you aren’t feeling great will help you be happier overall.
Drawing from her lifelong commitment to her Christian faith, Ryder Cambron decided to launch the Choose Happiness blog, a positivity project that aims to inspire readers to embrace happiness through self-care, Christianity, and an appreciation for the little things in life. Today she shares her tips for processing negative emotions.
- Have an awareness of the emotion. This step involves separating the emotion from who we are as a person. For example, instead of saying “I am sad”, you can say to yourself “I feel sad.” Emotions are signals to us and learning to notice the signal is the first step.
- Let the emotion exist instead of trying to resist it. The more you try to ignore your feelings, the more they will build up inside of you.
- Express the emotion in a healthy way. Processing emotions in our bodies can often be very physical, such as crying, screaming, or even going on a run or punching a pillow. Do something physical to help you get the emotions out of you.
- Try to understand why you are feeling the emotion and find the root of where it is coming from. Did your friend say something to you that made you upset? Why did those words upset you? When you get to the root of the problem, the better you can tackle it.
- Know that your emotions are valid. Don’t feel guilt or shame for feeling your emotions. There is a reason you are feeling the way you are feeling.
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